Burnout Prevention Training
Building burnout resistant leaders and employees
Most leaders and employees struggle to identify what burnout is and how to prevent or lesson it's effects. Many find it difficult to recognize and talk about burnout. As a leader, you know that you need to say something, do something but what to say and what to do is still a mystery. They just don't teach this stuff in most leadership development training and so most leaders feel ill-equipped to help their teams when they suspect that burnout is at the root of the challenge.
As an employee who is experiencing burnout, you know that you want to talk about it and need to talk about it but how to do that seems impossible. So, these important conversations don't happen and if they do happen, both leaders and employees are left feeling like something is missing.
Here are the current training offerings:
Burnout Prevention Overview - This overview provides leaders and employees with a high level overview of what burnout is, how it manifests, the impact of burnout in the workplace and what can be done to address burnout in the workplace. (Training Length - 2 hours)
Burnout Conversations for Leaders- This training is essential for building burnout resistance in leaders and their teams. Our customized sessions provide practical, practice-based tools for identifying, preventing, and addressing burnout. Leaders will gain in-depth, hands-on skills to recognize burnout in team members and use an easy-to-follow framework for effective conversations. Participants will leave with actionable skills they can immediately apply. (Training Length: 7 hours)
Burnout Conversations for Individual Contributors- Beyond the basics, this training gives individual contributors what they need to identify and address burnout in themselves while also giving them the framework, language and tools needed to talk about burnout in the workplace. A conversation about burnout will never be easy but you can feel more prepared and better equipped to talk about it. (Training Length - 6 hours)